Birth Is Just The Beginning

Course Bundles

Feel prepared for birth and postpartum when you bundle our courses and Save uP TO $150. Enroll today and get our exclusive birth footage mini-course FREE!

essentials bundle thumbnail

Birth | Breastfeeding | Newborn Care | Baby Sleep | Fatherhood



It's common for pregnant couples to focus solely on preparing for birth. It's a huge moment!

But birth is just the beginning. After baby's first cry, reality sets in - along with the physical, mental, and emotional load. From breastfeeding issues, sleep deprivation and late-night Googling about baby poop - being unprepared and uninformed makes it even worse.

We developed course bundles for any budget to fix this problem.

Whether you enroll in Premium or Essentials, you'll get our birth footage mini-course FREE! Learn from real birth footage and in-depth interviews from a variety of settings: hospital, birth center, home birth, and even a C-section! 

About Our Courses

Course 1

The Balanced Birth Class for Couples

Learn everything you need to know about childbirth, avoiding unneeded interventions, and working as a team during labor.

Available for Essentials or Premium students.

Bundle and Save

Our Balanced Approach to Birthing

Being pregnant in the age of social media is hard. If you're like most women, the constant barrage of information has left you feeling overwhelmed - not educated.

And all the contradictory opinions have left you confused and afraid to make the wrong decisions.

​You’ve probably heard labor is excruciating and you’re insane to try for an unmedicated birth. Why would you torture yourself? And why put your baby in danger?

​Or maybe you've heard the opposite - that birth is a natural process and hospitals only get in the way. If you decide to get an epidural, you’re weak. You’re a failure.

 So who's telling the truth? Is it better to go natural? Do hospitals make it safer or more dangerous?

Well, here’s the truth:

  • Every birth is unique.

  • It can be challenging but also blissful.

  • It’s safe, but there can be complications.

  • You can have a mind-blowing, amazing birth wherever you choose to have your baby.

  • And there are benefits and risks to every decision.

Our balanced approach to birthing isn’t sexy. It doesn’t get all the likes and clicks. But it’s the truth. And that’s what you'll learn in our course - the truth about childbirth.

👎 The problem with hospital birth classes...

They don’t teach women how to cope with labor naturally. Even if you plan to have an epidural, you will experience pain at some point, especially early on. And many times epidurals don’t even work properly!

👎 The problem with natural birth classes...

They give false promises of easy, ecstatic, or "painless" births while demonizing doctors and interventions. If something unexpected occurs during labor, moms aren’t empowered to make decisions and advocate for themselves because they only trained for a natural birth.

👉 And the BIG elephant in the room...

Most classes ignore partners, even though the large majority of women choose their partner to support them during labor. It's nearly impossible to find a truly couples-focused curriculum.

💕 Welcome to the beautiful world of balance...

This is the birth course for you if you want the best of both worlds - to learn how to give birth naturally but understand the benefits and risks of ALL your options. Our course is perfect whether you choose a hospital, birth center, or home birth.

And if you plan to have your partner in the delivery room, there's literally not a more couples-focused course on the Internet (because a couple teaches ours!)​

The one-size-fits-all approach will no longer do. We believe in personalized childbirth education that trains women how to achieve the birth they want but also ready for the unpredictable.

Are you ready for you and your partner to feel empowered and confident no matter what you face during labor? Then, let's get started!

What the Evidence Says About Birth Partners

Having a trained birth partner reduces your risk of a c-section by 28%! Women choose our couples-focused course so their partners are equipped to provide them the support they deserve.

Course 2

Breastfeeding Made Simple

Learn how to breastfeed in minutes with step-by-step demonstrations from an international board-certified lactation consultant.

Available for Essentials or Premium students.

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You'll have everything you'll need to begin breastfeeding with confidence!

  • Expert advice and straight talk from an IBCLC

  • Real-life video demonstrations and how-tos​

  • Live support group to help answer your questions

  • Practical PDF guides and printables

  • A balanced approach to all common breastfeeding concerns

  • Convenient, on-demand lessons you can easily finish in one night

Course 3

The Newborn Class For Couples

Learn alongside your partner from a board-certified pediatric nurse practitioner and feel 100% ready for parenthood.

Available for Essentials or Premium students.

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Here's what you'll learn as you prepare for life with a newborn:

  • What to expect the first hours, weeks, and months after baby is born

  • Feeding, sleeping, diapering and milestone expectations for babies 0-4 months​

  • How to interview pediatricians to find the right one for you​​​

  • Our top tips to survive the four-month sleep regression

  • What to do when your baby is fussy

  • Supplementing, combination feeding and formula feeding information​

  • What to do if your baby is choking

  • Infant CPR basics*

...and so much more!

*Our course does NOT offer infant CPR certification. It includes a video demonstration and suggested resources for students to learn more, including how to find a certification cours


"The most important thing for me was finding a class that hubby wouldn't hate and he really enjoyed it! You kept it fun while it was super informative!"

— Diane


"I loved how much straight factual detail was given by the instructor. I also loved the demos. Seeing things hands-on was helpful to really understand."

— Carolyn

Course 4

The Baby Sleep Class For Couples

The balanced and holistic system to you, your baby, and your partner more sleep.

Available for Premium students only.

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Develop a holistic, personalized sleep plan for your baby as you learn:

  • Expert guidance from a certified baby sleep consultant

  • Critical foundations for your newborn 0-4 months

  • Evidence-based methods and routines for babies 4-24 months

  • How to create flexible sleep habits that are responsive to your baby’s developmental needs

  • Sleep training options and when/if/how to use them

  • Exactly what to do during sleep regressions

  • The ins and outs of night weaning

  • What to do if your baby skips a nap

  • How to troubleshoot for every situation with our in-depth troubleshooting guide and other quick reference tools

  • Become a baby sleep team with our couples-focused discussion guide and planner


"My daughter had split nights, my husband and I weren’t getting any sleep and I didn’t know how to be flexible with her schedule since I have a toddler as well. Within a week she was completely sleeping through the night. Best investment I’ve made in a long time."

— Lauren D.


"This course got our 5-month-old away from nursing and rocking to sleep and he is now falling asleep independently and sleeping 12 hours! Very informative course and gives you so many customizable options to fit your family’s needs.”

— Kaylan M.

Course 5

The Dad Class

Become a more effective father and build a lasting legacy with this motivational and practical self-paced program for men.

Available for Premium students only.

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With The Dad Class, you will:

  • Reflect upon your growth as a father and consider areas you want to focus on using The Framework for Fatherhood™.

  • Understand the stages of childhood development - inside and out - and how to father during each one of those stages.

  • Receive our bonus Brand New Dad Boot Camp™ where you'll get a crash course on the first 12 months of fatherhood.

  • Gain skills to communicate better and manage your emotions.

  • Learn how to create a culture inside your home through family routines and traditions.

  • Access a private, online community of like-minded fathers who care about making a difference.

  • Take the video lessons further with our interactive workbook and even a course project!

  • Get access to optional, exclusive coaching sessions.


"This is structured so well and easy to follow. It's allowed me to see areas of strength, but I can also see where I need to grow. This is something I can use the rest of my life because being a father and husband never stops."

— Stephen W., father of 3

Course 6

Sights & Sounds

Learn from real birth footage and in-depth interviews from a variety of settings: hospital, birth center, home birth, and even a C-section.

Available for Essentials or Premium students.

This is a bundle exclusive - not available for individual purchase!

Bundle and save


"My husband and I purchased the complete bundle and I am SO glad we did! We watched the birthing course and then some of the birth footage mini-course. I printed out the position resources and counter pressure resources for the hospital bag and he ROCKED it as my support. The nursing staff and midwives all referred to my husband as "daddy doula". He felt so empowered.

Also, the breastfeeding course was so great! I felt as prepared as I could be for breastfeeding and was able to look back at notes I took when I was feeling defeated or needed reassurance about something. The IBCLCs at the hospital were super impressed and surprised that I was a first-time mom!"

- Madison


"I'm 36w2d and my husband and I just finished your course. We bought it because it's truly the only resource that came across as genuinely "balanced" AND included perspectives for dads/partners. We LOVED IT! It was the perfect amount of information - enough detail to feel prepared without feeling overwhelmed. My husband lovedddd modules 4 & 5 the most! Lol just kudos to you both for filling a much needed gap in the birth education space. Can't wait to reference it a few more times before bebe comes!"

- Monica

Our Instructors

  • Jessica Lagrone, CCCE

    As a certified childbirth educator and doula, Jessica knows firsthand that knowledge is power for new parents. She has a passion for teaching moms how to birth with confidence and find joy no matter what circumstances they encounter. She specializes in producing balanced, evidence-based content so students are empowered to make their own informed decisions. She co-founded Balanced Families® with her husband, Ben. They have three girls and love the outdoors.

  • Ben Lagrone, Ed.S

    Ben is a dad coach and education expert. Transitioning to fatherhood was challenging for him. But that challenge gave him a passion to better prepare other men for the experience. Ben now develops tools and resources so partners can be proactive, supportive, and prepared for birth and parenthood. Before co-founding Balanced Families with Jessica, Ben worked in public education as a teacher and then as a K-12 instructional specialist, publishing curriculum used all across the U.S.

  • Jessica Newcomb, APRN, CPNP-PC, IBCLC

    Jessica has been working with women, infants and children since 2006, first as a registered nurse, and now as a pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP). After experiencing breastfeeding challenges of her own, Jessica then became an international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) to help new mothers find breastfeeding success. She currently oversees the newborn nursery as a PNP at a local birthing center. Jessica and her husband, Zach, have two teenagers who keep them busy with sports and outdoor adventures.

  • Andrea De La Torre

    Andrea has been a baby sleep consultant for 7 years, since her first baby refused to sleep well. She knew there had to be a way to understand sleep and then make it happen instead of relying on crying it out. She found a way and has since helped thousands of families sleep. Andrea grew up all over the world and is now a mom of 3, business owner, children’s author, and avid crocheter.

Features You'll Love

  • On-demand Lessons

    Avoid scheduling nightmares and needless fluff of in-person classes with our on-demand video lessons you can watch whenever you want on any device.

  • Live Q&A

    Get instant answers to your questions during our live Q&A sessions that are thorough and personalized for our students.

  • Downloadable Resources

    Have all the information you need at your fingertips during labor with our handy printouts and cheat sheets.

  • Private Support Groups

    Find community through our birth and postpartum support group plus our special dads-only group!​

  • Hands-on Demonstrations

    We believe in interactive, hands-on learning. Start applying our methods immediately by following our step-by-step demos on labor coping techniques, pushing positions, and more.

  • Lifetime Access

    Are you having more kids? No worries! Unlike most courses, we give our students lifetime access to all lessons, materials, support groups, and course updates.

Choose Your Bundle


Premium Bundle

SAVE $150!

Birth ($149)

Breastfeeding ($99)

Newborn Care ($99)

Baby Sleep ($199)

Dad Class ($99)

Birth Footage (Bonus!)



(or 3 easy payments of $165)

Essentials Bundle

SAVE $50

Birth ($149)

Breastfeeding ($99)

Newborn Care ($99)

Birth Footage (Bonus!)



(or 3 easy payments of $99)

  • Test Drive It, Risk-free

    We're so confident you'll love our course that we offer a generous 30-day money-back guarantee. If you don't feel 100% prepared for your birth, or you simply decide it's not for you - just let us know!

  • Here's How to Enroll for FREE!

    Did you know health insurance often covers prenatal and postnatal classes? Many students take our class for FREE by reimbursing themselves with their HSA/FSA or by submitting their invoice to their insurance for a direct reimbursement. Check your plan to see what options are available!

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Each client receives LIFETIME ACCESS to the course! So go through the modules as often as you need and use them as refreshers at any point during your pregnancy and future pregnancies.

  • Yes! The lessons are self-paced with live Q&A held periodically on our online support group. Miss a session? Just ask our community of incredible parents or message us privately and we'll make sure you get the answer you need fast.

    By the way, you'll love the lessons. All the videos, demonstrations, and downloadable resources are 100% on-demand, so you can watch anytime, anywhere. Each video is has subtitles, is mobile-friendly, and you can easily cast them onto a smart TV. Speed 'em up, slow 'em down. This is any place, any pace learning.

  • Yes! Childbirth education courses are eligible for reimbursement through most flexible spending accounts (FSA), health savings accounts (HSA) or heath reimbursement arrangements (HRA). For more information on how to receive reimbursement, contact your FSA/HSA/HRA benefits administrator for more information.

  • YES! We cover home births, birth center births and unmedicated hospital births in-depth. We also have an entire module on coping with labor pain where we train you and your birth partner on everything from relaxation to counter pressure to how to use a birth ball. This course is also good for you because in case something unexpected happens during your labor, you'll be equipped to make decisions because you know the evidence. That's something you will not find with natural-birth-only classes. We are passionate about giving couples a comprehensive education so they're ready for anything!

  • Absolutely! Here's why: A) we cover many techniques and strategies to help you have a successful epidural. B) Even with an epidural, you still need to learn how to cope with labor pain. Early labor and the time in triage/waiting for the anesthesiologist will be MISERABLE if you aren't prepared! C) You will face with decisions after your epidural that impact your body and baby that our course covers.

  • Yes! We have a private facebook group moderated by Ben and Jessica where you can ask any questions you may have, meet other couples virtually, and get additional input about your birth plan.

  • Frankly, there's a reason that content is free. Our course has been medically reviewed, is taught by a certified instructor, and trusted by thousands of moms all over the world - many who are second-time moms who regretted "winging it" with their first birth.

    There's simply no comparison between our comprehensive course and the other option: spending hours upon hours of doom scrolling TikTok, searching YouTube at random, or reading generic blogs. So stressful!

  • We feel so confidently that you will love it that we offer a 30-day money back guarantee! No questions asked.

More Questions? Don't be shy!