The Newborn Class For Couples

Learn alongside your partner from a board-certified pediatric nurse practitioner and feel 100% ready for parenthood.

Learn Together. Parent with Confidence.


Birth is just the beginning...

There are two enormous mistakes we see pregnant women make:

1) They invest all their time and energy preparing for childbirth and forget to prepare for the years-long journey of caring for a baby.

2) They shoulder the entire burden of parenthood by themselves. They read all the books and carry the massive mental burden of making every decision until they eventually reach burnout. All the while, their partners remain clueless about babies.

Meanwhile, the constant barrage of contradictory advice doesn't relieve mothers' fears - it worsens them. That's because there's not a balanced voice helping summarize the research and deliver it in a manageable, relevant way.

Oh yeah, and Dad? He's still clueless about babies.

Parenthood should be a joyful team effort.

That's why we created a couples-focused newborn course that empowers BOTH parents to parent with confidence.


Here’s What you’ll Learn

  • What to expect the first hours, weeks, and months after baby is born

  • Feeding, sleeping, diapering and milestone expectations for babies 0-4 months

  • How to interview pediatricians to find the right one for you​​

  • Our top tips to survive the four-month sleep regression

  • What to do when your baby is fussy

  • Supplementing, combination feeding and formula feeding information

  • What to do if your baby is choking

  • Infant CPR basics*

    ...and so much more!

    *Our course does NOT offer infant CPR certification. It includes a video demonstration and suggested resources for students to learn more, including how to find a certification course.



"The most important thing for me was finding a class that hubby wouldn't hate and he really enjoyed it! You kept it fun while it was super informative!"

— Diane


"I loved how much straight factual detail was given by the instructor. I also loved the demos. Seeing things hands-on was helpful to really understand."

— Carolyn

Meet Your Instructors

  • Jessica Newcomb, APRN, CPNP-PC, IBCLC

    Jessica is a mom of two teenagers and has been working with women, infants and children since 2006, first as a registered nurse, and now as a pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP). She currently oversees the newborn nursery at a local birthing center. Her warm and down-to-earth personality makes students feel more like they're learning from a good friend rather than a baby guru - yet Jessica is both!

  • Jessica Lagrone, DONA, CCCE

    Jessica is a Certified Childbirth Educator (CAPPA), Certified Birth Doula (DONA) and mom of three girls. With her first, Jessica was so frustrated at all the information out there about newborn care that seemed to contradict itself. It was this reality that inspired her to create Balanced Families® - a place for truly balanced, un-biased and evidence-based information for families.

  • Ben Lagrone, Ed.S

    Ben is a Dad Coach and Education Specialist. He co-founded Balanced Families® with Jessica to provide dads and birth partners with the tools they need to support their loved ones and take care of their babies. It is the dad-perspective and couples-focused instruction that make this newborn class so unique!

Features You’ll Love

  • Real Demonstrations

    From infant choking to soothing techniques, our course is packed with practical how-to videos.

  • Downloadable Resources

    Find info fast with our printables, cheat sheets, and reference guides.

  • Online Support Group

    Ask questions, find community, and attend exclusive live Q&A sessions.

  • Lifetime Access

    Having more kids? No sweat. Come back whenever you're ready for a refresher.

Course Curriculum

  • Learn practical ways to prepare your relationship as a couple for the wild adventure called parenthood! Gain a thorough rundown of all the important purchases and preparations needed before the big day, and understand what to look for in a pediatrician.

  • You won't believe all the incredible things that take place in the first 24 hours of your baby's life! This module is designed to help you understand all the common practices you might see from your provider and give you the pros and cons of some of the decisions you will already be faced with.

  • The adventure is just getting started! Diapers, feedings, soothing, milestones, health and safety concerns - this module has you covered during a time that can be very nerve-wracking for first-time parents.

  • Know what to expect during these early weeks and begin to learn the ins and outs of sleep behaviors and the milestones that mark a rapidly transforming period of human life right before your eyes!

  • Get a clear picture of how your baby is developing and what you need to do as parents. You may be surprised at the personality that is beginning to blossom early on with your baby!

  • Our lessons help you understand the changes continuing to formulate during this period. You'll also understand why so many people talk about the four-month sleep regression and what the implications are for you as parents.

Bonus Download!

Here's just a sample of some of the downloadable resources:

  • Fussy Baby Flowchart: find out why baby is crying

  • Sleep Training Methods & Pros/Cons

  • One Page Summary of Everything: Birth to 4 Months

  • Combination Feeding: what you need to know

  • Hospital Bag for Baby Checklist

  • Sleepy Baby Cues

  • Four Ways to Burp a Baby

  • Types of Infant Carriers & Pros/Cons


  • Test Drive It, Risk-free

    We're so confident you'll love our course that we offer a generous 30-day money-back guarantee. If you don't feel 100% prepared for your birth, or you simply decide it's not for you - just let us know!

  • Here's How to Enroll for FREE!

    Did you know health insurance often covers childbirth classes? Many students take our class for FREE by reimbursing themselves with their HSA/FSA or by submitting their invoice to their insurance for a direct reimbursement. Check your plan to see what options are available!

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Each client receives LIFETIME ACCESS to the course! So go through the modules as often as you need and use them as refreshers at any point during your pregnancy and future pregnancies.

  • This class covers things to prepare for during pregnancy, what to expect after baby is born and ages 0-4 months.

  • Yes! While there may be a few differences in regard to doctors and procedures offered, the content is relevant for anyone. Babies are pretty much all the same, no matter where they’re born.

  • All the video lessons, demonstrations, and downloadable resources are 100% on-demand, so you can watch anytime, anywhere. Each video is has subtitles, is mobile-friendly, and you can easily cast them onto a smart TV.

    In addition to the lessons, each student is invited to join our online support community of parents to help answer your questions and get you the support you need.

  • It's takes about 2-3 hours to complete the course. Each module is broken up into small lessons so you can work at your own pace!

  • Yes! When you sign up for the class, you’re given access to our private Facebook group. Here you can ask questions and get to know other couples in your life stage. We also host quarterly block parties on Zoom so we can all see each other face to face!

  • We feel so confidently that you will love it that we offer a 30-day money back guarantee! We only ask that you complete the course.

More Questions? Don't be shy!