This week, we’ll discuss what your baby might love looking at and what to consider when searching for a childcare provider that is the best choice for your family.

What’s Going On With Baby

At Week 9, your baby is becoming observant of all sorts of things, including your face. You may notice that they stare at your mouth when you talk to them. We mentioned before that babies learn by mimicking, so making different facial expressions with your mouth may encourage them to try the same thing with their mouths! Here are other things your baby may be noticing:

  • Moving things (like fans)

  • High-contract pictures

  • Mobiles

  • Mirrors

  • Nature elements (trees, leaves, sky, etc.)

  • Animals

  • Water

It’s fun to see what your baby prefers to look at as they develop week after week.

What’s Going On With Mom

Now that we’re in week 9, you may be looking for childcare if you haven’t secured it already. Maybe you’re looking for an in-home childcare provider or a public daycare. Whatever it is that you prefer, here are some things to consider when finding the right childcare provider: 

  • Do you need full-time or part-time care?

  • What’s your budget for childcare expenses?

  • Do your friends or family recommend certain childcare providers?

  • Look for licensed and accredited childcare providers

  • Check references

  • Consider a trial period

There are certainly more things that you can think about and question before making a final decision. Ultimately, you should trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right or you have reservations, it’s okay to keep looking. 

What’s Going On With Partner

In addition to finding a reputable childcare provider, you can help Mom by looking for one or two reputable babysitters. Here are some things to think about when deciding on who should be a babysitter for your little one:

  • Determine your sitter needs (schedule, hours, responsibilities)

  • Determine your budget

  • Ask for recommendations from friends and family

  • Conduct interviews

  • Check references

  • Consider conducting background checks

Having a reliable babysitter (and even a second sitter on backup) will be convenient for date nights and other events where you can’t bring a baby.



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Postpartum Guide for Couples: Week 8


Postpartum Guide for Couples: Week 10