Pregnancy Guide for Couples: Week 11
There are only two weeks left of the first trimester! At this point, your baby’s genitals are beginning to form and you may be starting to think about how to announce the pregnancy if you haven’t already done so.
What’s Going on with Baby
This week, your baby is the size of an egg!
In the last several weeks, your baby’s development has been happening at rocket speed. At Week 11, baby’s vital organs are in place and may be starting to function. This means that the liver is beginning to make red blood cells, the pancreas is producing insulin, and the kidneys are making urine. Isn’t that incredible? More growth includes:
Your baby’s genitals are in the beginning stages of development. At Week 11, the penis and scrotum (boys) and clitoris and labia (girls) start to differ. It’s still too early to visibly see if you’re having a boy or girl from an ultrasound.
The placenta is growing as your baby grows, which means that red blood cells are also increasing in number.
Baby’s ears are moving into their final position on the sides of the head.
What’s Going on with Mom
Have you announced your pregnancy yet? If not, you may wonder when the best time is to do so. The answer is: it’s entirely up to you and your partner. If announcing during the first trimester, we recommend doing so to the people you’d want to walk with, in the case of a miscarriage. Some couples prefer to announce early and some prefer to wait until the second trimester. If you want to announce your pregnancy in a fun or unique way, here are some ideas:
Custom t-shirts. Customized shirts that say ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ or ‘Big Sister’ and ‘Big Brother’ if this isn’t your first pregnancy.
Scavenger hunt. Want to make the people work for it? You could leave clues, leading family and friends to your big announcement.
Pet announcement. Who doesn’t love including the family pet? Have your fur baby hold a sign or attach a little announcement to their collar.
What’s going on with Partner
This is a great time to come together with Mom to create a baby announcement. Like gender reveal parties, dads can help break the news just as well as moms. Here are some announcement ideas involving Dad:
Daddy’s To Do List. Create a pretend list for Dad that includes things he needs to do, like ‘change diapers,’ ‘baby-proof the house,’ and more.
Toolbox announcement. Add some baby items to a toolbox with a message announcing the pregnancy or saying, ‘Dad’s New Project.’
Incorporate Dad’s hobby or favorite sport. Announcing with a football, baseball, or fishing rod is an example of telling friends and family what you’re expecting in a personalized way.
Gamer? This is the perfect time to take advantage of a ‘Game Over’ sign in your baby announcement.
There are so many books out there about pregnancy and birth. In this blog, I list my top 5 book recommendations so you can get started becoming informed and empowered!