Pregnancy Guide for Couples: Week 19
This week, we will talk about the fantastic protective barrier vernix caseosa covering your baby. We’ll also talk about your growing belly!
What’s Going on with Baby
At Week 19, your baby is the size of a dinner plate!
You may or may not have heard about an interesting thing with baby this week. It’s called ‘vernix caseosa,’ the coating that covers and protects your baby from abrasions, chapping, and hardening that can result from exposure to amniotic fluid. Here is more information about vernix caseosa:
Sometimes referred to as ‘vernix,’ this coating is a waxy, white, or yellowish substance.
Vernix helps regulate baby’s temperature by preventing excessive heat loss through evaporation. Since baby’s skin is thin, this is important.
Vernix contains antimicrobial properties, water and lipids. This keeps baby’s skin hydrated and protects against infections.
What’s Going on with Mom
Now that you are ONE week away from the halfway point, have you had to transition into maternity clothes? Nowadays, maternity clothes are pretty fashionable and comfortable, a massive perk for pregnant women. As your belly grows, you will undeniably start gaining weight because your baby is also gaining weight! When it comes to weight gain during pregnancy, here are some of our tips:
Do NOT stress out about this part. Weight gain during pregnancy is completely normal and healthy!
Do not take advantage of being pregnant and “eat for two.” Yes, there are two of you, but your little one is still tiny.
Remember that what you are eating, your baby is eating. Nutritious foods and plenty of hydrating liquids are ideal!
Your doctor will check your weight throughout your pregnancy to ensure you’re gaining healthily, so there’s no reason to stress about it.
What’s going on with Partner
As Mom’s body changes in various ways and her belly grows, be a rock of encouragement. A lot is going on with Mom’s body, and not all women will positively experience this transition. Some ways that you can help Mom see that her body is beautiful no matter what include:
Reassuring her that she is gorgeous!
Giving her massages to help her body feel better with touch
Treating Mom to a spa session, pedicure, or a service that will lift her spirits
Taking Mom shopping to find cute maternity clothes
Mom will love this type of support. In case you need reminding, you play a very important role in this pregnancy through and through!
If you’re interested in going unmedicated, but you also want to be at the hospital, check out our FREE 45-min workshop for couples called 4 Secrets to an Unmedicated Hospital.