Welcome to Week 5! As implantation completes its job, your baby will begin its next steps in growth. It’s also the time to start taking prenatal vitamins if you haven’t done so!

What’s Going on with Baby

Week 5, your baby is the size of a small pearl! 

Implantation should be complete at this point, which means the fertilized egg has fully implanted into the lining of the uterus. Now that this critical step is done, here is what else is going on with your growing embryo:

  • Your baby’s neural tube forms, eventually becoming their brain and spinal cord.

  • The heart is also starting to take shape and beat for the first time, although it may still be too early to detect this on an ultrasound. 

  • Other growth areas include the amniotic sac (for protecting baby throughout the pregnancy), placenta (for providing oxygen and nutrients to baby), and basic organ formation.

What’s Going on with Mom

Now that you’re growing a little one inside your body, it’s time to start taking prenatal vitamins if you aren’t already doing so. We really like Nature Made Prenatal with Folic Acid & DHA. Here are some reasons why prenatal vitamins are so essential for Mom to take during pregnancy:

  • Nutrients help your baby grow! Folic acid, for example, helps prevent neural tube defects, so it’s important for Mom to get her daily dose of folic acid as early as Week 5 (if not earlier).

  • Prenatal vitamins give Mom the nutrients that she needs, too. For example, prenatal vitamins include iron, which helps prevent Mom from dealing with anemia (low iron levels), which can cause pregnancy complications.

  • Taking prenatal vitamins daily bridges the gap between the nutrition you typically ingest and what you should ingest while pregnant.

Notice any spotting? With implantation, you may have noticed some spotting or bleeding. This is completely normal as long as the spotting is light and brief. If you experience heavy bleeding, severe abdominal pain, or other concerning symptoms, contact your healthcare provider to rule out any complications or potential issues.

What’s going on with Partner

Hey Dad, we’re on Week 5! While it’s early in the pregnancy, why not capture a gorgeous shot of Mom that will serve as the first bump photo? Recording a photo of Mom’s monthly bump is a fun way to capture growth and memories. Here are some quick and easy bump photo photography tips:

  • Ask Mom for a bump photo when she feels her best and not when she’s exhausted or nauseous.

  • Want the best lighting? Opt for natural lighting whenever you can. If taking a photo outside isn’t an option, utilize the natural light in the home that comes through a window.

  • It can be a fun tradition to capture each bump photo in the same place every month. Think about a spot you like, whether in the future nursery or outside in the yard.

  • Having Mom cradle her bump with both hands is the best way to show belly growth. It’s a classic pose for a reason! 



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Pregnancy Guide for Couples: Week 6