Cervix-Ripening Smoothie

Today's blog is going to be short & sweet... literally!

I'm writing below my favorite smoothie recipe that includes dates. If you don't know, dates have been research-proven to help ripen your cervix and help you have a shorter labor. Want to read more about this? Click here!

I'm not a food blogger, so I'm not going to tell you a long story about how date smoothies remind me of my childhood dog or anything like that (IYKYK). We are going to get straight to the point & the recipe.

It's recommended you consume 3-4 large dates per day to see the best results. The smoothie recipe below includes 3 dates, but you can certainly add more. You can also add less and consume dates on their own or inside of a bar (Here's a link to a homemade Larabar recipe that I've made - they're good!). It's up to you!

This recipe is also very forgiving - you can add whatever fruit & liquid you want! Like it thicker? Add more ice cubes or less milk. Like it thinner? Add more milk. Easy Peasy.

I also added some protein powder in my recipe because I'm always looking for ways to increase my protein intake, especially while pregnant. Click here to see what protein supplements I like best.

Cervix-Ripening Smoothie

Ingredients (1 Serving):

  • 3-4 Medjool dates (other types of dates work fine, too)

  • 1 Banana (any other fruit is fine, too)

  • 1 cup plant-based milk (regular milk is fine, too)

  • 1 scoop protein powder of choice

  • 4-5 ice cubes

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)


Add all ingredients into a high-powered blender. Blend on high for a minute, scraping down the sides as needed, until it's fully blended.

Pour into a large cup & enjoy!

For best results, begin your consumption of dates by 36-37 weeks pregnant, and eat them daily.

Jessica Lagrone, CCCE

Jessica is a certified childbirth educator, doula, and mom of three girls. With her first, Jessica was so frustrated at all the information out there about birth and postpartum life that seemed to contradict itself. It was this reality that inspired her to create Balanced Families® - a place for truly balanced, un-biased and evidence-based information for families.


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