What to Know about Losing Your Mucus Plug During Pregnancy

You’re cruising through your pregnancy, getting ready for the big day, and suddenly—what’s this? You’ve heard about it in passing but never really gave it much thought until now: the mucus plug. Sounds a bit gross, right? But don’t worry, it’s actually a super important part of your pregnancy journey. Losing your mucus plug can signal that things are moving along just as they should. 

Let’s break down what exactly the mucus plug is, what it means when you lose it, and what you should do next.

What is the Role of the Mucus Plug?

So, what is a mucus plug anyway? That thick plug of mucus has an important role! The mucus plug is a protective barrier that forms at the opening of the cervix to help protect the baby from any harmful stuff (like bacteria) getting up in there. No one wants an infection! The plug is made of mucus (obviously) and helps keep things all nice and sealed until the baby enters the world. 

When Does the Mucus Plug Come Out?

Pregnancy is full of unexpected moments, and this is yet another one of those moments. All women are different, so we cannot pinpoint when the plug will be lost, but we know that it begins when the cervix starts to dilate and thin out. You might not even notice it coming out because it can happen gradually (you may notice an increase in vaginal discharge) or all at once. Some women lose it a few weeks before labor starts, around 37 weeks of pregnancy or so, while others don't lose it until they're in the delivery room.

Unfortunately, there's no set time for it to make its grand exit. It's not the most glamorous thing in the world, but it can be a sign that your body is getting ready to bring that baby into the world. That’s exciting enough as it is! 

Mucus Plug vs Typical Vagical Discharge

While mucus plug discharge and typical vaginal discharge that occurs during pregnancy are similar, there are some key differences.

  • Texture and consistency. A mucus plug will be thick and jelly-like in consistency, much more than normal vaginal discharge. If it's watery or really runny, that could be cause for concern.

  • Color. The color of the mucus plug can vary depending on where you are in your pregnancy. Typically, it's clear, but it can also be yellowish or even tinged with a bit of blood. Don't freak out if the discharge suddenly becomes bright red; it's normal as the bloody show (the passage of blood-tinged mucus from the cervix) passes once the mucus plug is expelled.

  • Timing and quantity. The mucus plug is usually lost once or in a few pieces, whereas typical discharge is continuous and can increase gradually over time.

If you're unsure about what you see, contact your healthcare provider to be safe. That’s what they’re there for!

Can the Loss of the Mucus Plug Be a Sign of Labor?

You might wonder if losing a mucus plug is typically an early sign of labor. Well, the answer is...maybe! Losing the mucus plug in late pregnancy may definitely be an early sign that your body is preparing for labor. Still, it doesn't necessarily mean that the baby is about to appear right this second. It could still be a few days or weeks before the real deal starts. 

Now, if you lose your mucus plug before 37 weeks of pregnancy, that could be a sign of preterm labor, and you should let your doctor know. Monitor for other signs of preterm labor like contractions, lower back pain, etc. Your doctor may want to take extra precautions like suggesting bed rest or hydration to ensure you and baby remain protected until it’s time for labor and delivery. 

How Long After Losing the Mucus Plug Will Labor Start?

Don’t you wish we knew? Well, the thing is, every pregnancy is different. Some moms-to-be go into labor within hours of losing their mucus plug, while others may not go into labor for days. It's like a waiting game. Your body is just getting ready for the big event!

Remember, when you notice mucus plug discharge, it is just one of the many signs that labor is approaching. So, don't stress too much about it—you're near the end of your pregnancy! Just take it easy, and get ready to welcome your little bundle of joy soon!

What To Do If You Lose Your Mucus Plug

First things first, don't panic. Losing your mucus plug doesn't mean you're about to pop out a baby right this minute. It could still be days or even weeks before labor starts. Look for any other signs of labor, like contractions or your water breaking. It's always a good idea to call your doctor or midwife to let them know what's happening. They can advise you on what to do next and when to come in for a check-up. In the meantime, try to relax and take care of yourself. Maybe treat yourself to a nice bath or some ice cream. You deserve it!


To wrap up, know that losing your mucus plug isn't a confirmed sign that you are about to go into labor. Labor after losing your mucus plug can be a few weeks away. Don't panic if you notice some gooey vaginal discharge— watch for other signs of labor, like contractions or your water breaking. 

With this information, expectant mommas can feel empowered and prepared for the exciting (and sometimes unpredictable) events of pregnancy and childbirth.

Jessica Lagrone, CCCE

Jessica is a certified childbirth educator, doula, and mom of three girls. With her first, Jessica was so frustrated at all the information out there about birth and postpartum life that seemed to contradict itself. It was this reality that inspired her to create Balanced Families® - a place for truly balanced, un-biased and evidence-based information for families.


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