Now that you’ve hit that 6-week postpartum mark, you’re probably visiting your OB for a follow-up appointment. Is it okay to have sex now? We’ll discuss that and talk about infant formula below.

What’s Going On With Baby

We briefly mentioned supplementing breastfed babies with formula last week. This is referred to as combo feeding. This flexible approach allows parents to provide their baby with breast milk while supplementing with formula as needed or desired. If you’re new to using formula, here’s some information about each type of formula that infants can take in:

  • Cow’s Milk-Based Formula. The most popular type of formula; modified to be more digestible and suitable for infants.

  • Soy-Based Formula. An alternative formula for infants who cannot tolerate cow’s milk-based formula.

  • Hypoallergenic Formula. Designed for infants with allergies to cow’s milk and is usually prescribed by a healthcare provider.

  • Specialized Formula. Specialty formulas for medical reasons; prescribed by healthcare providers.

Parents can choose from powder formulas (to be mixed with water) or liquid formulas. Many brands are available, so selecting the best formula may take trial and error.

What’s Going On With Mom

Now that you’re 6 weeks postpartum, you should feel more like yourself, although there may still be healing that your body is doing. The 6-week mark is the classic timeframe for having sex again, but only if you’re ready. How you feel should be communicated with your partner so that you are both on the same page. Here are some things to consider:

  • Waiting until postpartum bleeding (lochia) has significantly decreased or stopped is essential.

  • Listen to your body. Feelings of pain, discomfort, or signs of infection mean you haven’t fully healed yet.

  • If you’re not emotionally ready or exhausted, communicate openly with Dad about your feelings and desires.

  • Remember to discuss contraceptives with your healthcare provider before diving back into sex if you’re not ready to get pregnant soon.

Even if you’re not quite yet ready to be intimate with your partner in this way, you can aim to get alone time together. Ask a family member or friend to hang out with your baby while you and your partner get away for some time together.

What’s Going On With Partner

If Mom isn’t ready for sex yet, be patient! She’s been through a lot! In the meantime, you can keep the fire alive by putting together some at-home date ideas. Here are some home date ideas for you and Mom:

  • Movie night in. Grab a bunch of blankets and pillows and watch a movie you love (or a new one) together.

  • Board game night. Board games are great ways to enjoy fun competitions and spend time together.

  • Indoor picnic. Lay a blanket on the living room floor and enjoy finger foods and snacks.

  • Spa night. DIY edition! Enjoy a warm bath, facials, or massages. Play relaxing music and light candles.

  • Virtual travel planning. Do some online research together to plan out a future trip together.

  • Nostalgia night. Take time to look through old photos and videos, especially those early moments of dating!

Give your spouse your undivided attention by putting your phone away and enjoying intimacy differently.



If you need more tips for how to feed your baby formula, take a look at this blog!

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Postpartum Guide for Couples: Week 5


Postpartum Guide for Couples: Week 7