It’s Week 7! You’re only 1 week away from hitting that 2-month postpartum mark and baby hitting 2 months of age! 

What’s Going On With Baby

You may notice this week that your baby is starting to grin and give a little smile! Bust out the camera because you’ll get great shots of your little one. This week, your baby may also be partial to bright colors and enjoying certain toys. They may also be reacting to sounds by turning their heads towards something interesting they are hearing. Some of baby’s favorite sounds may be: 

  • White noise (mimics the sounds your baby heard in the womb)

  • Lullabies

  • Nature sounds

  • Heartbeat sounds

  • Soft instrumental music

  • Parent’s voice (a baby’s favorite)

As your baby ages, they will enjoy fast-paced music and may even start moving around to ‘dance.’

What’s Going On With Mom

You may be ready to exercise again if cleared at your 6-week OB appointment. If that’s the case, ensure you listen to your body and don’t push yourself too hard until it feels okay. You may want to start out by taking longer walks before jogging or running. If you prefer to lift weights, start light and then work your way up with time. Here are some other postpartum exercise ideas:

  • Pelvic floor exercises/Kegels (This is an easy beginner exercise to help you strengthen the muscles of your pelvic floor).

  • Postpartum yoga

  • Pilates

  • Swimming

  • Postpartum fitness class

  • Bodyweight exercises

There may also be some ‘mommy & me’ classes where you can gently work out with your little one.

What’s Going On With Partner

Dad, are you looking for a way to bond with baby? If Mom is breastfeeding, it can feel like she is with baby day in and day out. Even so, there are plenty of moments when you can bond with your little one while Mom naps or cares for herself. Here are some Dad-baby bonding ideas: 

  • Cuddle time

  • Feeding time

  • Babywearing

  • Singing/talking

  • Reading a book

  • Interacting during tummy time

There are plenty of ways to interact and bond with baby even if they’re not showing much personality yet.



Have you been supplementing with formula and want to exclusively breastfeed? Then this is the blog for you!

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Postpartum Guide for Couples: Week 6


Postpartum Guide for Couples: Week 8