Pregnancy Guide for Couples: Week 33

We’re getting closer to the big day, so this week, we’re talking about preparing your hospital bag and Dad preparing his bag, too! 

What’s Going on with Baby

At Week 33, your baby is the size of a coffee table book!

Something you can be on the lookout for is when baby has “dropped.” This refers to the descent of the baby’s head into Mom’s pelvic area as she prepares for birth. Typically, a baby drops into this position in the last few weeks of pregnancy, signifying that labor will come soon! If your baby has dropped, you may notice increased pelvic pressure and a change in the look of your belly. Other things happening with your baby this week:

  • Bones in baby’s skull aren’t fused yet, so their head can still shift as they squeeze through the birth canal.

  • The skull won’t fully fuse until adulthood

  • General development of the lungs, brain, and nervous system continues.

What’s Going on with Mom

You may have noticed more “pleasant” pregnancy symptoms in your third trimester. We’re talking about heartburn and more vaginal discharge. Fun, right? Yet, it is totally normal. The vaginal discharge can be watery or even mucousy - both of which are normal. If you experience repetitive discharge along with cramping or contractions, let your doctor know. This could be preterm labor.

While dealing with these symptoms that will likely disappear after baby arrives, consider getting your hospital bag packed up and ready to go in preparation for the big day. Here are some essential things to pack in your hospital bag:

  • Important documents (birth plan, ID, insurance information, etc.)

  • Comfortable and loose clothing

  • Toiletries (toothbrush, hairbrush, lip balm, deodorant, etc.)

  • Glasses or contact lenses

  • Required medications

  • Phone and charger

  • Books, magazines, etc.

Need more of a list? Look below for our Hospital Bag Checklist for Couples!

What’s going on with Partner

Hey Dad, while Mom is getting her hospital bag together, why don’t you consider packing your bag? Here are some things that you may want to add to your hospital bag:

  • Pillow and blanket

  • Comfortable clothing

  • Toiletries

  • Glasses or contact lenses

  • Required medications

  • Phone and charger

  • Books, magazines, etc.

  • Camera (if separate from phone’s camera)

We include a full list for Dad's bag in our Hospital Bag Checklist for Couples, below!



Download our comprehensive hospital bag checklist for Mom, Dad and Baby below!

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Pregnancy Guide for Couples: Week 32


Pregnancy Guide for Couples: Week 34